About Us
April 2016 Griffin Grain, in conjunction with Griffin River Terminal, is moving into its third year of grain buying and barge loading. Griffin River Terminal, formerly Planters Service of Helena, is located approximately 2 miles south of Helena Crossing at 1463 Hwy 20. We have completed our 330,000 bushel storage capacity at the river terminal, which during barge swapouts, allows our customers to continue dumping uninterrupted. Upgrades continue at the terminal to enhance our barge load-out capacity at the river. While these upgrades will greatly enhance the speed and flexibility of the facility, we can currently take only harvest delivery bookings for soybeans. Our current contract offerings are Priced, Basis, and Hedge To Arrive (HTA) - also known as a Futures Only contract. Please feel free to contact our Griffin Grain staff with any questions at 870-338-8571. Our current basis can be found at our website: GRIFFINGRAIN.COM. We look forward to doing business with you.